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X New Worlds (United Kingdom)

1. Tell me about something you liked as a child.

As a child, I loved creative exploration in every sense. I loved to draw and paint and would always have some kind of sketchbook on the go! I also used to enjoy getting lost in other worlds through reading - especially fantasty, sci-fi and magical realism - in fact, I still do!

2. Who is your favorite writer? (Art, books, games, etc.) 

I'That’s such a tough question! In terms of Art, it’s such a range, I love the Surrealist movement - there was an amazing exhibition in London a few years ago that I went to at Tate Modern called Surrealism without Borders where I learned about some amazing and underrated female surrealists such as Helen Lunderberg, Eileen Agar and Leonora Carrington. This movement has had a definite influence on my own work. Also, love abstract expressionism - love CY Twombly and Rothko. My favourite authors I love the sci fi worlds built by Iain M Banks and the magical worlds of Murukami. 

3. What was your personal motivation to work on art?

IIt’s what I enjoy the most, the times when I feel truly in a state of flow state are when I am creating something or within a creative practice of some kind. I view creativity as almost akin to a spiritual practice - it helps you process your thoughts and feelings. 

4. Tell us about your worldview to understand your work, and what methodology do you
use to capture it in your art?

I believe our subconscious permeates reality and that there are different realms or ‘layers’ of existence. I remember conducting an experiment once in a lucid dream I had, to try and determine if what I was experiencing through all my senses was indiscernible from waking reality - and I could find no difference between the two (except when I was lucid dreaming I was a spirit). It made me feel more open to the metaphysical view that there are different layers of existence. Some even say when we dream we visit parallel universes. These kinds of wonderings influence my work deeply.  In terms of capturing this in my work, I often start with some kind of concept I’d like to explore. For example, I have a current series of work based on altered states of sleep people experience - e.g. sleep paralysis and insomnia. In general, I enjoy playing about with more abstract or blurry AI imagery to draw out the most idiosyncratic results from programmes like Runway. I also enjoy experimenting with time interpolation and distortion effects in After Effects to create the aesthetic I’m after. 
5. Your work seems to experiment with the boundaries between reality and dreams. I think the images that AI shows are photo collages that are technically created from images of reality, so it's fitting to talk about dreams that use reality as a material but are different from reality. Can you talk about your thoughts on AI?
Yes, that’s interesting and think I would agree that AI draws upon our untamed collective conscience in an unruly, collage-like way, analogous to dreams.  I think that’s why it's such an incredible medium to explore those liminal boundaries between the real and artificial. The world of the uncanny valley if you like. 

6. Why did you start NFT ART?  

When I started my channel I did not consider turning anything I made into an NFT. It was only after I was one of the winners of a competition curated by Sloika (called Simulation / Simulacra) - where you minted your works through a world on Foundation - that I first entered this world. I was then invited to join - an AI platform for auctioning work run by Fellowship - where I have auctioned other works.

7. What is the most memorable moment while doing NFT ART?  

Being invited to Fellowship’s programme was a monumental moment for me. The artists featured on that platform were artists whom I had personally admired for a long time. It was such an honour to be asked to be part of that community in such an incredible company.

8. What do you think about the risk of hacking while working on NFT art, and what measures can be taken to prevent it?

Do you know what, I really don’t know too much about this so am no expert. Personally, I always take steps to use secure passwords (by utilising a password manager) and I generally always turn on 2 factor authentication for everything.

9. What do you think is the role of an artist today?  

To have fun, to process and express yourself - hopefully connecting to people who can relate to what you explore in some way. Also, perhaps to make people feel and to question their worldview in some way. To continually move the paradigm forward. 

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