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Simon Lavi (France)

2024.2. 23
1. Tell me about something you liked as a child.

 Reading graphic novels 

2. Who is your favorite writer? (Art, books, games, etc.)


3. What was your personal motivation to work on art?

 As far as I remember, art has always being part of my life. It's there.

4. What is the important part you would like to talk about through art work?

 There is no message. Hopefully people can get something from the art and interpret the project with their own vision.   

5. Tell us about your worldview to understand your work, and what methodology do you
use to capture it in your art?

 I don't have a worldview and no methodology, I just try to connect few ideas together.  
6.  I was impressed by the way they used AI to collage photos in a realistic yet surreal way, The Pink Project, in particular, rethinks the iconography of the color pink. Can you tell us more about the Pink Project? 
 The way AI works is not by scraping images from a library and then collage the photos. Ai is capable to re-create an image after a process called machine learning. Pink is widely considered a stereotyped color for girls and femininity in the western world. 
My Pink's projects are a contribution to create a world not limited by stereotypes.

7. Why did you start NFT ART?  

 It is easier to connect with an audience than in the traditional art market.

8. What is the most memorable moment while doing NFT ART?  

 When I had to setup my crypto wallet for the first time an hour before my first mint exhibition.  

9. What do you think about the risk of hacking while working on NFT art, and what measures can be taken to prevent it?

 If you turn on and use a computer, you take the risk to be hacked and have your information stolen. By choosing secure platforms and  trusted marketplace, practicing good security habits, and staying informed, you can significantly reduce the chances of falling victim to hackers.

10. What do you think is the role of an artist today?

I don't think artists have a role. Art is not a vital service. But it's essential to the contribution of our emotional, intellectual, and cultural well-being.
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