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1. Tell me about something you liked as a child.

 I grew up skateboarding and making short videos with my friends. 

2. Who is your favorite writer? (Art, books, games, etc.)

 My favourite book is You Can't Win by Jack Black. It's an autobiography of a hobo criminal in the 1920s, and it's fantastic. I don't really have a favourite writer, but right now I'm really enjoying John Higgs and highly recommend his book on the KLF.  

3. What was your personal motivation to work on art?

 It has to be the process. I get so much joy from creating these little characters, and making them move. This is perhaps the most obvious statement, but they give voice to these ideas I have in my head. The process of making these animations is, in a lot of ways, me working through my thoughts, and the end product is a snapshot of those dialogues.  

4. What is the important part you would like to talk about through art work?

 A lot of my work is me dealing with modernity, and its effects on culture. Not all the work is serious, but that foundation is there. 

5. Tell us about your worldview to understand your work, and what methodology do you use to capture it in your art?

 In a sense, I see these characters as representations of both myself and people I know, and I use them to express topics I want to discuss. Kind of like a diary of my thoughts. A lot of the work is self referential.


6. Why did you start NFT ART?
 It's always been hard for digital artists to make a living off their art aside from doing commissions, so I was drawn to NFTs as a way to try and earn some money off making the work I wanted to create. 

7. What is the most memorable moment while doing NFT ART?  

 Easily the auction on my Covid Triptych piece. 

8. What do you think about the risk of hacking while working on NFT art, and what measures can be taken to prevent it?

 Haha, NFTs have definitely lowered my trust in almost every interaction I have online, outside of close friends. I more-or-less never click on a link in an email, or DM anymore, and have developed a very healthy skepticism to requested messages. 

9.  We usually think of commissions and art as different, but I think there can be a growth of the artistic side while working on a commission. Do you have any specific examples?

 Don't get me wrong, I actually really love most of my commission projects, and have had the opportunity to work with some very amazing people. There have been many projects that have pushed me to learn new techniques, and forced me out of my comfort zone. One example would be an advertisement I worked on for Old Spice years ago that forced me to learn how to use After Effects. I'm forever grateful for that. That same job also had some amazing art directors that were such inspiring joys to work with. 

10. What do you think is the role of an artist today?

 To be a record to the world around us, and hopefully inspire others to view theirs a little differently. 
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