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1. Tell me about something you liked as a child.

 As a kid, I was really into video games. There was something magical about diving into these fantastical worlds ,  they were like nothing I'd ever seen or experienced in real life. That's where a lot of my creativity started. Playing these games helped me think in new ways and see things differently. 

2. Who is your favorite writer? (Art, books, games, etc.)

 It's hard to pick just one, but I'd say Terence McKenna and Ernst Haeckel are at the top of my list. McKenna, with his profound insights into human consciousness and psychedelic experiences, and Ernst Haeckel's work, especially his art, which beautifully illustrates the intricate forms of nature, has been equally inspiring.

3. What was your personal motivation to work on art?

 My motivation is to promote inclusivity through art. I want to use my work to show that beauty and meaning can be found in diversity and varied perspectives.

4. Tell us about your worldview to understand your work, and what methodology do you
use to capture it in your art?

My art is a ridge between fantasy and reality. I bring my concepts and creatures to life using VR, XR, 3D sculpting, animation, and 3D painting. This blend of techniques allows me to create immersive installations and visuals for large music events and art festivals.
5.  Your work has a very dramatic and uncanny beauty in the contrast between the hard bones of machines and the soft viscera of creatures. I would like to hear about the aesthetic perspective of your work.
 My art is about blending technology with the natural world, particularly human anatomy, to redefine beauty. I use digital tools to create and manipulate images that challenge traditional views of beauty. My goal is to inspire a deeper appreciation for our interconnectedness with nature and each other, and to promote inclusivity in how we perceive beauty. Works like "Beautiful Inside" and "Exoskeleton" exemplify this, showing beauty in unconventional forms and challenging us to see the world differently.

6. Why did you start NFT ART?  

 My journey into NFT ART started primarily due to my fascination with the underlying technology and its potential. The idea of using blockchain to authenticate and sell art was intriguing. It represented a shift from traditional art commerce, offering a more direct and transparent way to connect with collectors. The ability to engage with the web3 community was also a significant draw. This community is at the forefront of exploring how technology can change the way we create, share, and own art.

7. What is the most memorable moment while doing NFT ART?  

 NFT art is an extension of traditional art, so the most memorable moments come from the personal journey and exploration within each piece.

8. What do you think is the role of an artist today?

 As an artist myself, I believe our role is to push boundaries and inspire people to think beyond the usual. It's about encouraging inclusivity and helping people see beauty in unconventional things. I aim to challenge and expand the common perception of reality. In today’s world, where we often get caught up in the routine, artists have the unique ability to offer new perspectives, to make the ordinary seem extraordinary, and to bring diverse voices and ideas to the forefront.
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